Hey there.
I thought a blog might be a good way for me to let you know what I'm up to in a slightly more up to date fashion than my website may allow, so I'll be posting news on my current work status, BikeNZ work, absence from work :blush: , cool projects or just any random news I feel like you should know.
After the quietest winter I think I've ever experienced, things have gone ballistic over the last month or so, and as well as the usual things I do I have been fortunate enough to be building some very fruity machines for clients, one of which was John Kirkaldie's new 08 Turner DHR (above) in conjunction with Matt from Wide Open Distributors. I have also had a great time putting together three very hot Lynskey titanium road machines courtesy of Bike Fixation, one of which you'll see at the very bottom of this blog. At the bottom of this post is John Kingston's lovely Intense 6.6 completed on his birthday last week. Also keep an eye out for some more of the beautiful bikes I'll be building which will being posted here...
I don't have much more to say right now(rare for me I know!), but I'll be updating this blog at least once a week so check me out every now and then. As ever, please email or ring me to make a booking - at the moment and into summer I am usually taking bookings a week in advance of being able to do the work, but I can sometimes squeeze in the odd urgent job too...
Pedal on, Oli